Google Maps
With Credence you have extremely powerful map options. You can create multiple maps on a page. You can create multiple markers per map and you don’t have to worry about geocoding (getting the latitude and longitude yourself). All you need is the address and Credence does the rest. You can even add them to sidebars.
Amazing Map Customizations
Style your maps any color, use any icon, create multiple points, choose the zoom level you want. Use HSL (Hue, Saturation and Lightness) to control the exact color level you want to use.
Choose to add a border around the map or no border. Set map widths and heights using pixels or percents. The possibilities really are endless…
You can use all available map types that Google provides (Roadmap, Satellite, Hybrid and Terrain). You can control what elements you want to allow in the map (like scrolling, panning, zooming and map selection). Even allow or disallow mouse wheel zooming.