Come on in and stay awhile, you’re going to love it!
With our built in Shortcode Generator and Visual Composer you won’t have to manually type in shortcodes like other themes. Just click and select your way through setting them up with ease.
You’ll also get a whole bunch of powerful and custom page building elements that we include with the theme!
A Premium theme gives you automatic updates to ensure you have the latest fixes. When you purchase Credence, not only do we provide fixes, but you’ll also receive new features we add along the way. Each time you are getting features and tools for free!
Theme Options lets you set colors for Top Sliders, Navigational Areas, Footer Widgets, Bottom Footer, and general theme accent colors. Not only that, but many of the included page builder elements can override theme set colors.
If you don’t want a footer, a slider, or above top navigation area no problem… you can enable or disable any of them.